周达天,Hessami,姚笑菲.Model based approach to identifying hazards for modern train control system.27th International Conference on Safety and Reliability (ESREL2017),2017
刘舒媛,穆建成,周达天,Hessami.Model Safety Standard of Railway Signaling System for Assessing the Conformity of Safety Critical Software Based Weighted Factors Analysis.2017 4th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS),2017
姚笑菲,李开成,周达天,莫小凡,姚媛.Application of UML Sequence Diagram in CTCS-3 Onboard System Hazard Identification.IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation,2013
周达天,吕继东,袁磊,李开成,唐涛.Formalization of Train Control System Scenario.9th Symposium on Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems,2012
周达天,Hessami,步兵,姚笑菲,张路.Study on Model based HAZOP for Train Control System.10th Symposium on Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems,2014
周达天,辛未,Hessami,汪晗.Study on Model based Hazard Identification for the Hyperloop System.International Seminar on Computation, Communication and Control (IS3C),2015
袁磊,赵伟慧,李辰岭,周达天.Error Correction Method for Train Speed Measurement Using Doppler Radar in Train Control System.Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS 2013),2013