期 刊-> 邢捷,毕红军,刘云.research on security threat assessment method based on the attack tree model of the internet of things[J]。Journal of Convergence Information Technology ,2013-02,3( 8),653:658
期 刊-> 陈小庆,毕红军,刘云.Energy map-based the healing protocol of coverage holes in wireless sensor networks[J]。Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences,2013-01,5(3),570:579
会议论文-> 姚畅,杨永义,陈后金,荆涛,郝晓莉,毕红军.ADAPTIVE KERNEL LEARNING FOR DETECTION OF CLUSTERED MICROCALCIFICATIONS IN MAMMOGRAMS。2012 IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation, Santa Fe, NM,5:5,2012-04
会议论文-> 唐沁钦,毕红军,张振江,刘云.potential-based virtual network for energy balance in WSNs。2010 IEEE international conference on network infrastructure & digital content,北京鸿翔大厦,2010-12